Here is the office address, phone number, and detailed directions or a map to the office. Please remember that I work
by appointment only. I cannot take walk-ins. You must call in advance to schedule.
Dr. Phillip Sharp, Psychologist
219 Racine Dr., Ste. A3
Wilmington, NC 28403
Phone: (910) 313-0460
office is located on Racine Drive. From market street, turn south onto College Road. Proceed to the traffic light
at the corner where the Best Buy is located. Turn left onto New Center drive. Go one block and turn left
onto Racine Drive. Drive north on Racine about 1.5 blocks and look for the Excite Credit Union. The Gray shingled
office building next to it, on the north side is where my office is located.
You may also turn
off Market Street onto Eastwood Rd. Then make a right onto Racine Drive when you see the Home Depot. My office
building will be about one block down on the left, next to the Excite Credit Union (one block past the Corning Credit Union).